T.Mark Solutions
Web Hosting Policies
Please read and understand our policies as they are to protect the
best interest of our customers as a whole. T. Mark Solutions' general
policy is to act as a neutral provider of access to the global Internet.
T. Mark Solutions reserves the right to suspend or cancel a customer's
access to any or all services provided by T. Mark Solutions when
T. Mark Solutions decides that the account has been inappropriately
used. If you are unsure whether any contemplated use or action is
permitted, please send mail to info@tmarksolutions.com
1. Specific Use Policies
(a) Traffic and Storage Policies
To ensure proper use, all files MUST be hyperlinked to files (.html,
.jpg, .gif, etc.) stored on T. Mark Solutions server and vice versa.
CGI chat scripts are also not allowed and are considered and abuse
of unlimited bandwidth. Any cgi scripts that consume large amounts
of CPU usage or memory are also not allowed. The user will be asked
to remove any script that abuses system resources.
If you feel that your needs will exceed the resources available
on our shared web servers, please do not hesitate to contact a Lasercom
representative at sales@tmarksolutions.com to assist you in finding
the most appropriate plan for you.
(b) T. Mark Solutions Services May Only be Used for Lawful Purposes
Transmission, distribution, or storage of any information, data
or material in violation of United States or state regulation or
law, or by the common law, is prohibited. This includes, but is
not limited to, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade
secret, or any other statute. T. Mark Solutions reserves the right
to remove such illegal material from its server immediately. T.
Mark Solutions expressly forbids anyone from using T. Mark Solutions
servers for the propagation, distribution, housing, processing,
storing, or otherwise handling in any way lewd, obscene, or pornographic
material, or any other material which we deem to be objectionable.
The designation of any materials as such described above is left
entirely to the discretion of the T. Mark Solutions management.
(c) Unlawful and/or Unethical Use
T. Mark Solutions does NOT allow sites that provide points of distribution,
participate in the act of or provide links to the following types
of sites:
Adult Sites - Any erotic or pornographic material, links to adults
sites, or advertisements for adult sites.
Pirated Software (Warez) - Any software that is copyrighted and
not freely available for distribution without cost. ROMs, ROM Emulators
and Mpeg Layer 3 files (MP3).
Copyright Violation -- Violation of copyrights held by individuals
and corporations or other entities can result in civil and criminal
liability for the infringer, and can involve the ISP in litigation
and possible loss of reputation.
Hacking / Phreaking - Includes sites with material, links, or resources
for Hacking, Phreaking, Viruses, Anarchy, or any type of site that
promotes or participates in the destruction or compromises the integrity
of T. Mark Solutions.
Defamation -- Defamatory speech distributed over the Internet can
result in civil liability for the defamer and litigation against
the ISP whose facilities were used to distribute the defamatory
Distribution and/or Transmission of Obscene or Indecent Speech or
Materials -- Violation of indecency and obscenity laws can result
in criminal penalties.
(d) E-Mail Acceptable Use
T. Mark Solutions strictly prohibits harassment, whether through
language, frequency, or size of messages. Forging of header information
is not permitted. T. Mark Solutions does not allow unsolicited mail.
This includes "Spamming" and "Bulk Mail" sent
to persons who have otherwise not requested to receive such mail.
The reason for this is that not only is it generally frowned upon
by the Internet community, but it also demands extra bandwidth to
handle the effects of such mail.
(e) T. Mark Solutions Services are Intended for the End User Only
Customers cannot sublease, sub host, or give away control of any
portion of T. Mark Solutions' resources for a fee. For customers
who do wish to sublease web space, T. Mark Solutions offers a very
competitive resale program.
Violation of any of T. Mark Solutions' Rules and Regulations could
result in a warning, suspension, or possible account termination.
Accounts terminated due to policy violations will not be refunded.
2. Payment Policies
(a) Credit Cards
We do not currently process credit card payments.
(b) Checks or Money Orders
If you are set up to pay by mail in check you will be invoiced
15 days before your renewal date. This will allow you time to mail
in payment. All checks must be made out to Tim Buttrey. Please mail
your payments to:
T. Mark Solutions
31097 Huntsman Ct.
Winchester, California 92596
(c) Past Due Accounts
When an account is past due our system will automatically send
you notifications that your account is past due. It is the customer’s
responsibility to contact the billing department if this situation
(d) Billing Department Hours
9:30am 5:00pm (PST) Monday - Friday 909-816-1415
If an account is 15 days past due we will try to contact you using
the phone number listed on your account. If we are not contacted
with in 5 days of this phone call you will experience temporary
interruption of our services but your account will remain open.
If another 15 days pass, total 35 days, your account will be closed
and you will be required to pay a $25.00 reactivation fee.
Please note. All accounts that have been closed for non-payment
will be sent to our collection agency for further attempts to collect
monies owed.
3. Primary E-Mail Address
The primary e-mail address that is entered on the sign-up form
will be our main contact with you. All invoices, notifications,
and correspondence between T. Mark Solutions and the customer is
through this primary e-mail address. It is the customer’s
responsibility to provide a valid primary e-mail address. If your
primary e-mail address needs to be updated, please contact billing@tmarksolutions.com.
T. Mark Solutions will not be responsible for the possibility of
any downtime of services due to not receiving proper notification.
Note: The primary e-mail address must be at a domain other than
the customer’s domain. Our suggestion is to use your ISP’s
email account or a web-based free email account like hotmail or
4. Cancellation
T. Mark Solutions reserves the right to cancel service at any time.
All fees paid in advance of cancellation will be pro-rated and paid
by T. Mark Solutions if T. Mark Solutions institutes its right of
cancellation. If cancellation is caused by customers violation of
these policies, then no refund will be disbursed.
Customers can cancel service any time and be refunded any amount
exceeding the pre-payment of the current month. Accounts can be
cancelled by emailing the following information ( Name, Main Email
*not a T. Mark Solutions address*, Domain Name, FTP Password, Telephone,
and Reason), to billing@tmarksolutions.com or by calling the billing
department at 1-909-816-1415. Payment will be made by company check
within 30 days of receipt of cancellation. An account will be cancelled
within 48 hours, unless a date of cancellation is requested.
Setup fees and domain name fees are non-refundable.
5. Disclaimer
T. Mark Solutions will not be responsible for any damages your
business may suffer. T. Mark Solutions makes no warranties of any
kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. T. Mark Solutions
disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries,
wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by
T. Mark Solutions and its employees. T. Mark Solutions reserves
the right to revise its policies at any time without prior notification.
T. Mark Solutions furthermore expects that its subscribers who
provide Internet services to others will comply fully with all applicable
laws concerning the privacy of on-line communications. A subscriber's
failure to comply with those laws will violate T. Mark Solutions
policy. Finally, T. Mark Solutions wishes to emphasize that in accepting
services, subscribers indemnify T. Mark Solutions for any violation
of the subscriber of the Services Agreement, or of law or T. Mark
Solutions policy, that results in loss to Lasercom or the bringing
of any claim against T. Mark Solutions. This means that if T. Mark
Solutions is sued because of activities of the subscriber that violate
any law, the Services Agreement or this policy (which is part of
the Services Agreement), the subscriber will pay any damages awarded
against T. Mark Solutions, plus costs and reasonable attorneys'